By researching the job market, utilizing school resources, attending informational interviews, taking advantage of internship programs, participating in job shadowing programs, talking to family members and mentors for advice, and using online tools, students can make an educated decision on their future occupation. With the proper research and preparation, students can find a career path that aligns with their interests and skill sets. This process takes time, but it is worth investing in to make a well-informed decision about your future.

7 ways for students to effectively decide on their future occupation
- Research the job market
Research the job market extensively. To make an informed decision on a chosen occupation, one should research the job market thoroughly. This includes evaluating the job field’s competitiveness, opportunities for growth and stability, additional qualifications or certifications that may be required to obtain a position, areas of concentration within the field, and any related salary information. Researching these areas can help prospective job seekers decide if they are willing to pursue a career in this occupation. They should also consider their interests, values, and skill set when choosing.
- Utilize school resources
Utilize school resources to gain insight into potential occupations. High school and college are excellent times to explore career pathways, so students must utilize the available resources. Using career counselors, alumni networks, or job shadowing programs can give students an inside look at different industries and help them determine which paths match their interests and skills.
- Attend informational interviews
Once students have narrowed down their list of potential career paths, they should attend informational interviews with people in those professions to get an accurate picture of what the job entails and whether they would enjoy doing it. They can also research online to learn more about a particular occupation—reading books, articles, and professional blogs is a great way to expand one’s knowledge base.
- Take advantage of internship programs
Take advantage of internship programs, apprenticeships, and other similar programs. These opportunities offer students a chance to gain hands-on experience in their desired field of work and help them learn more about the industry they are considering entering. Additionally, research different occupations and talk to people associated with the area. Ask questions such as what qualifications or skill sets are needed for this job and what kind of lifestyle comes with it. Doing so can provide an accurate picture of your future occupation and help you decide if it is something you want to pursue.

- Take personality and skills assessment tests
Taking personality and skills assessment tests is an excellent way for students to decide on their future occupation. These tests analyze the student’s interests, strengths and weaknesses, values, and aptitudes to provide valuable insight into which occupations may fit them well. Many online assessments, such as Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and Strong Interest Inventory, can help guide students toward an educated decision about their ideal profession. Taking the initiative to understand oneself through these types of tools will set any student up for success when determining which pathway they should pursue.
- Talk to family, friends, and mentors
Talking to those in your life with experience and knowledge in career decision-making, like family members, friends, mentors, or teachers, is important. Seek out their wisdom and advice. They can provide insight into what type of job is best for you based on your skill set, interests, and values. Additionally, they can give stories from their own experiences that can help guide you toward the right path. Ask questions about how they chose their profession and if any challenges could help you avoid making the same mistakes.
- Make use of online resources
There are many online resources available to students, such as career websites, job boards, and online courses, that can help them become more informed about the job market and potential career opportunities.
Students should research the job market to identify potential career paths, understand what jobs are available, and determine which occupations best align with their interests and skillsets. Many schools offer support services such as career counselors and guidance advisors who can help students explore different career options and make informed decisions about their future occupations. Informational interviews with professionals in desired industries provide valuable insight into different disciplines and potentially open the door for future opportunities. Internships are an excellent way for students to gain real-life experience in a particular field or industry before committing to it long-term. Personality tests like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) can help students better understand their strengths, interests, and weaknesses, which can guide them toward the right career path. Family members, friends, professors, and mentors can provide valuable advice about career paths that may have yet to be considered.